Posted on November 17, 2015
A few snap shots from Out Of Nature to make you smile!
Gillian Hipp brough her students to perform a choreography around the sculptures.
Bob Langridge has one day to take photos for the catalogue.
Head gardener Dave Gray feels a bit weary after days of carrying heavy sculptures around.
Darren has a real flair for placing the pieces where they will look strong. Here seen stroking the chin of Matt Lane Sanderson's horse.
Jane and Jean-Patrice Oulmont enjoy a break after driving up from the Pyrenees to install his bronze and wood sculpures.
Julian Meredith gives the riding arena a make over.
Lynette Choppin has been preparing the pumpkins and other fruit and vegetables for months so they can be ready for the land art.
Our pony Pixie isn't so sure about these wooden horses look alike.
Rachel Carter made 1,000 paper dollies for the green house and came from Derbyshire to install them. She decides 200 hanging were enough!
Land art: the public was invited on the opening week-end to add colour in the form of vegetables and fruit from the walled garden to a large shape on the bottom lawn. It was the logo of the Cart Shed, and coordinated by Tamsin Gear, team leader for The Cart Shed and green wood craftsperson.
Cart Shed logo with the house behind.
Jon Edgar was artist in residence for 10 days in the gardener's cottage. He carved a lime block, and threw the clay portrait of local farmer Jeff Glyn Jones: more here.
Jon Edgar presents his lime carving. It contains features from Newport House: the pigs, he gardener's cottage, the tree house, the stallion...
Rolf Hook conducts master classes on wood carving.
Aragorn Dick-Read takes his fire sculptures to other shows. It's sad to see the pieces go...
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