Rachel Carter creates woven sculptural pieces using a range of weaving techniques, from crochet to basketry to macramé, combined with resistant materials such as cast bronze and copper, to create sculptures using one material in a continuous length.
Inspiration for her work comes from geometric patterns found in flowers and plants and the English countryside. Nature creates beautiful fluid shapes and these find their way into Rachel’s sculptures.
As a sculptor I am driven by touch, process and materials. There is something so engaging about sculpting directly in a material, getting your hands messy, feeling the movement within your fingers and responding immediately to any changes in that material. I hope that my enjoyment of making work in this manner comes across to the viewer. I always encourage people to touch my work and experience it through more than sight alone.
Twitter - @rachelsculpture
Web - www.rachelcarter.co.uk
Blog - rachelcarter.tumblr.com
Instagram - rachelcartersculpture