Joe has long been deeply immersed in his stonecraft, moving through a progression of agricultural, horticultural, architectural and sculptural applications. In the-mid nineties he was the first to create a large scale drystone vase, a range of which is now the mainstay of his work. His first was in Scotland, the second in Hampshire and he has gone on to build them in gardens throughout the UK, and abroad. He stoically resists any abstract temptations, and sticks with his classical and organic instincts, vessels, fruits and trees. He is very much looking forward to exhibiting at Newport House for The Cartshed once again.
Joe has a new workshop companion besides Classic FM: His daughter Jenny now works with him much of the time and is proving highly adept. An arts graduate herself she is also committed to her floral painting and silk screen printing, as seen at Joe's four foot slate Pear continues to be a sought after work; a perhaps inevitable slate Apple has been developed, and also, pursuing a different line of thought, a six foot piece of maintenance-free slate 'Topiary'.